About Bitbrain

About Bitbrain

Bitbrain is a brain technology company that combines neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and hardware to develop high-tech EEG brain sensing devices and other human monitoring technologies, together with software solutions for real-world applications and research. We help research, tech, and health professionals to leverage neuroscience in a practical and reliable way.
Our mission is to develop high-tech solutions for real-world research, and neurotechnology applications that enhance people's lives.

Our Vision

Neurotechnology in our daily lives

Bitbrain is committed to developing cutting-edge neurotechnology that is practical for real-world research and applications, and that has a positive impact on people's lives.

We envision a future in which neuroscience reaches society in the form of innovative and beneficial technological developments.

Our values are at the forefront of all our business decisions and serve as a framework for all our technological development. This allows us to be aligned with our mission, while carefully considering the impact of our technology.

Our Pillar Values

Innovation is in our DNA. We are constantly working on ingenious ways to improve our products, services, and processes in order to develop cutting-edge solutions that solve real-world problems.
As a results-oriented company, excellence is the key indicator of success in our innovation. From engineering to management, we focus on delivering high-quality results in absolutely everything we do.
Neurotechnology has the potential to change the world, and we are highly committed to making this change happen for the good of humankind. Values in ethics, such as data privacy and sustainability, among others, determine all of Bitbrain's decisions.

Our Offices

Zaragoza, Spain
C/ Santa Teresa de Jesús, 30-32, local
50006 Zaragoza
+34 931 444 823
New York, United States
228 E 45th Street. Suite 9E
New York, NY 10017

Our History

How Bitbrain started

Bitbrain was founded in 2010 as a spin-off company from a research team from the University of Zaragoza who were pioneers in approaching brain-computer interface applications outside the laboratory. The company started with a foundation in neurotechnology, biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence, and data science, accumulated at the university since the lab’s start in 1998.

Our technology has been partly developed as a result of highly competitive FP7 and H2020 European R&D programs such as FP7-CORBYS, FP7-NETT, H2020-MOREGRASP.

Today, this unique R&D expertise has made the company a world-reference for B2B neurotechnology solutions world-wide.


Bitbrain brings together talented people with a shared vision and passion, who can find innovative solutions to real problems. Our corporate culture is defined by the multidisciplinary nature of the company, the experience and knowledge of our team, the encouragement of open dialogue, and a respectful and fulfilling environment that allows us to think out of the box. This is our formula to provide our clients with the most practical solutions to successfully achieve their goals.

Bitbrain's scientific-technical team has been in the field of neurotechnology, brain-computer interfaces, and AI for over 20 years, with involvement in many high-level research projects. This knowledge and our achievements in the field have been recognized with more than 30 international awards.