Publicaciones científicas de EEG

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Explora las publicaciones de destacados investigadores y descubre los avances científicos impulsados por el uso del hardware y software de neurotecnología EEG y bioseñales de Bitbrain en diversas áreas de aplicación.
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Versatile EEG
Minimal EEG
Textile EEG
2025An Adaptive Brain-Computer Interface Game with Blink Controls and Cognitive State Monitoring Diadem
Saravanakumar, Duraisamy; Roeser, Nick
BCI, Cognitive study, Biofeedback
2025Brain-Computer Interface Based Engagement Feedback in Virtual Reality Rehabilitation: Promoting Motor Cortex Activation Versatile EEG
Lim, Hyunmi; Ahmed, Bilal
Virtual Reality (VR), Neurorehabilitation, BCI
2025Evaluating the Effect of Speed and Acceleration on Human Factors during an Assembly Task in Human–Robot Interaction (HRI) Diadem, Ring
Apraiz, Ainhoa; Lasa, Ganix
Human behaviour, Human–Robot Collaboration (HRC), Emotions, UX
2025Generation of real-time control commands from EEG signals Hero
Franco i Moral, Ferran; Alonso López, Joan Francesc
BCI, Motor imagery, Neurorehabilitation
2025International initiatives for the study of the human brain: EBRAINS and its Spanish nodeIniciativas internacionales para el estudio del cerebro humano: EBRAINS y su nodo español
Duran, Teris; Ezpeleta, David
Neurotechnology Overview
2025Rapid cortical auditory evoked potentials audiometry Versatile EEG
Guyonnet-Hencke, T.; Portoles, O.
Auditory Evoked Potentials, Audiology Studies
2025Riding feeling recognition based on multi-head self-attention LSTM for driverless automobile Versatile EEG
Tang, Xianzhi; Xie, Yongjia
Driving, Attention, Machine learning
2024A Research on Emotion Recognition of the Elderly Based on Transformer and Physiological Signals Versatile EEG
Feng, Guohong; Wang, Hongen
Human behaviour, Emotions, Deep learning
Crespo-Tejero, Natividad; Díaz-Maroto, Sara Comendador
Consumer behaviour, Emotions
2024Architectural Neuroimmunology: A Pilot Study Examining the Impact of Biophilic Architectural Design on Neuroinflammation Versatile EEG
Valentine, Cleo; Steffert, Tony
Architectural design, Stress
2024Assessment of Drivers’ Mental Workload by Multimodal Measures during Auditory-Based Dual-Task Driving Scenarios Versatile EEG
Huang, Jiaqi; Zhang, Qiliang
Driving, Cognitive study
2024Automatic sleep scoring for real-time monitoring and stimulation in individuals with and without sleep apnea (preprint)
Esparza-Iaizzo, Martín; Sierra-Torralba, María
Sleep studies, Automatic sleep scoring, Digital therapeutics, Sleep disorders
2024Brain electrical activity and oxygenation by Reflex Locomotion Therapy and massage in preterm and term infants. A protocol study Versatile Kids EEG
Llamas-Ramos, Rocío; Sánchez-González, Juan Luis
Reflex Locomotion therapy, Differences between preterm and full-term infants
2024Citizen neuroscience: Wearable technology and opensoftware to study the human brain in its natural habitat Ikon, Air
Jafarzadeh Esfahani, Mahdad; Sikder, Niloy
2024Cognitive Response of Underground Car Driver Observed by Brain EEG Signals Versatile EEG
Zhang, Yizhe; Guo, Lunfeng
Driving, Cognitive study, Attention
2024Design Decisions for Wearable EEG to Detect Motor Imagery Movements Diadem
Carretero, Ana; Araujo, Alvaro
Imagery Motion Patterns, Machine learning
2024Evaluation of an Upper Alpha Neurofeedback Intervention on Mild Amnestic Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized, Double-blind, Sham-controlled Research Project (ESPERANZA study) (conference contribution) Ikon
Jubera-García, E.; Escolano, C.
Alzheimer's disease, Neurofeedback, Upper-alpha
2024Evergreen or seasonal? Quantitative research on the color of urban scenic forests based on stress—attention electroencephalogram feedback Versatile EEG
Wu, Linjia; Zhang, Yixuan
Art design, Stress, Attention
2024Image destination engagement from a cultural perspective—A neuromarketing approach for a Spanish-German study Diadem, Ring
Mas, José Manuel; Jaszus, Kathrin
Consumer behaviour, Emotions
2024Impact of emotional appeal on non‐profit advertising: A neurophysiological analysis Versatile EEG
Sandoval, Pamela Simón; García‐Madariaga, Jesús
Consumer behaviour, Emotions
2024Modelling and Measuring Trust in Human–Robot Collaboration Diadem, Versatile Bio
Loizaga, Erlantz; Bastida, Leire
Human–Robot Collaboration (HRC), BCI, Emotions
2024Recognizing situation awareness of forklift operators based on eye-movement & EEG features Versatile EEG
Kang, Yutao; Liu, Feng
2024Risky alcohol use during youth: Impact on emotion, cognitive networks, and resting-state EEG activity Versatile EEG
Sampedro-Piquero, P.; Buades-Sitjar, F.
Cognitive study, Emotions
2024Sex-related differences in young binge drinkers on the neurophysiological response to stress in virtual reality Versatile EEG
Moreno-Fernández, Román D.; Bernabéu-Brotons, Elena
Stress, Virtual Reality (VR)
2024Space-CNN: a decision classification method based on EEG signals from different brain regions Versatile EEG
Xue, Huang; Yang, Jingmin
Convolutional neural network, Art design
2024The Bitbrain Open Access Sleep (BOAS) dataset (published data) Ikon sleep
Lopez-Larraz, Eduardo; Sierra-Torralba, María
Sleep studies, Automatic sleep scoring
2024The HOGAR study: Home-based brain monitoring with a self-managed EEG to study cognitive decline in the ageing population (conference contribution) Ikon sleep, Ikon
López-Larraz, E.; Robledo-Menéndez, A.
Alzheimer's disease, Cognitive study
2024The NANA study: Auditory simulation during sleep as a symptomatic treatment for mild cognitive impairment (conference contribution) Ikon sleep
Jubera-García, E.; Clemente Jiménez, S
Sleep studies, Neurofeedback, Alzheimer's disease
2024Training di neurofeedback alfa-superiore nella demenza prodromica: evidenze da uno studio pilota (conference contribution) Ikon
Camassa Nahi, Y.; Dibiase, G.
Upper-alpha, Alzheimer's disease, Neurofeedback
2023A Comprehensive Study of Human Factors, Sensory Principles, and Commercial Solutions for Future Human-Centered Working Operations in Industry 5.0 Versatile EEG, Diadem, Hero, Air
Loizaga, Erlantz; Eyam, Aitor Toichoa
Benchmarking, IoT, Emotions, Working memory, Attention
Estás en la página 1 de 4.

Descubre nuestra colección de datos EEG de acceso abierto, diseñada para apoyar la investigación y la innovación en neurociencia, interfaces cerebro-computadora y estudios cognitivos.

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