Wearable dry-EEG headset optimised to monitor emotional and cognitive states in real-world applications with outstanding ease, comfort and reliability.
Wearable and mobile dry-EEG headset
Diadem is a portable EEG headset designed for real-world applications that require great comfort and unobtrusiveness for the user and an agile setup and outstanding signal quality for the researcher. Developed with 12 dry EEG electrodes over specific brain areas, it is optimised to estimate emotional and cognitive states (pre-frontal, frontal, parietal and occipital brain areas). Its high-performance active shielding and stable mechanical design provide outstanding robustness and EEG signal quality, even with movement or during long recording periods.
Owing to its refined usability, this dry electrode EEG headset can be easily self-placed in less than 2 minutes by the final user, or assisted by either technical or non-technical experts. This feature, in combination with its great comfort and reliability, is opening the door to neuroscience research in real-world applications and real-life brain-computer interface products operated everywhere by final users, families or assistants.
Diadem comes with the Bitbrain Software Kit for EEG signal acquisition, processing, and programming, which has a large compatibility with real-time I/O and third-party data processing (LSL, Matlab, Python, BCI2000, OpenVibe, etc). Also, by acquiring the Human Behaviour Research Lab, it can be performed a seamless synchronisation with other human monitoring technologies such as ExG, GSR, eye-trackers, among many others.
I want to use Diadem for
Real-world research
Carry out human behaviour research in real-world scenarios and configurations with ecology and reliability.
Real-life applications
Develop new brain-tech products or services with the most accessible EEG hardware.
Brain-computer interfaces
Advance the frontier of interaction with reliable brain-tech usable by everybody, anywhere at anytime.
Main features
Wearable and portable
Outstanding usability
Optimised EEG sensor placement
Robust dry-EEG monitoring
Practical technology
High software compatibility

Main Components

Dry-EEG headset
Light (190gr) and flexible headset design that adapts to each head morphology (85% of the global population). It has 12 dry-EEG sensors with mechanical designs that reduce contact impedances and guarantee stable contacts, as well as active shielding to maximise SNR.
EEG amplifier
Portable, small and light (125gr) amplifier that records the EEG channels at a resolution of 24 bits at 256 Hz. It has an internal IMU (9 DOF) and online relative impedance control. With microSD recording and Bluetooth connectivity, a 10+ metre range, and up to 8+ hours continuous recording.
How to use
Setup - Self-placement
Learn how to set up the Diadem from a participant self-placement perspective
Clean, quick and easy set up by non-technical personnel in just a few minutes. This dry-EEG system does not require expenses on consumables (jars of gels, syringes, shampoo, etc.), and there are no additional maintenance costs. It comes with an intuitive, powerful software platform for signal acquisition with visual cues to assure quality montage and EEG monitoring.
1. Preparation: Connect the EEG to the amplifier, open the side and top strips and place the EEG on the head, aligning the central mark with the nose. Then slide it back to the most prominent zone of the head. Place the clip on the left ear lobe.
2. Set up: Wait 10 seconds and move the sensors that are not green yet to ensure they are in contact with the scalp. Repeat until there is good signal quality in all the sensors.
3. Test: Blink, bite, close your eyes, move your arms and walk around to check that the EEG is not affected.
4. Recording: Now you are ready to record your EEG data and to export it afterward.
5. Clean and storage: Clean the sensors with wet wipes and store Diadem in its own case.
Technical specifications
What is included
The devices are easily stored and transported within a suitcase. Technology is easily cleaned with common wipes.
- EEG headset
- Instructions
- EEG amplifier
- Suitcase
- Power supply
- Bitbrain Software Kit
- Storage base
Basic Support is included during the life time of the product.
- Email support
- Technical assistance
- Knowledge base
Optional Premium support is also available.

Diadem comes with a software for EEG signal acquisition, processing and programming, which has a large compatibility with real-time I/O and third-party data processing.
Simplified data acquisition and setup
Collect data with the help of visual cues to assure montage and quality monitoring.
Flexible programming
Easy to use development with versatile SDK to address a wide variety of applications.
Powerful real-time applications
Using real-time LSL third-party platforms such as Matlab, BCI2000 or OpenVibe among others.
In depth data analysis
Compatible with advanced platforms such as Matlab, EEGLab or MNE among others.